Capricorn Love Horoscope for Wednesday, December 01, 2021

Daily tarot reading

The Devil card reversed indicates that you are entering a period in your life that will be dominated by feelings of confusion and indecisiveness. You will be having a hard time sorting out your goals. You will find yourself in an impasse and won’t be open to ideas that could help you escape from it. You will be in a risk-taking mood and make mistakes you will later regret. Beware of lies and potential hurtful revelations.

Love Tarot Card

Today’s love tarot card is the Moon. This card counsels you to remember that uncertainty and mystery are as much a part of life as toast and coffee. Remember that relationships and people go through phases. Your partner’s tastes change over time; his or her moods vary day to day. Some days your relationship will offer moonlit ecstasy; other days the two of you bicker about small things. Your life as a couple contains both wildness and domesticity, like the dog and the wolf in the card. What remains important is the connection between you. It is possible to be deceived by a lover. But it is equally possible to be deceived by our own hopes and fears. Lasting love does not mean unchanging love. Maintaining your relationship means accepting the risks that trust entails. The Moon card’s appearance in a reading can relate to you and your partner buying a home or becoming parents. For single people, this card can mean listening to your dreams and intuition. They may offer guidance to finding love.

Daily career tarot

Your ego is standing in the way of your professional and financial progress. One moment, you are indulging your material desires and going on a shopping spree; the next, you are regretting it and trying to clean up the mess! Your poor judgement is causing you to make mistakes. Some of your partners may be trying to deceive you. Give careful consideration to the offers you will receive.

Capricorn Love Horoscope

It is time to take some tough decisions in every sphere of your life and your romantic life is no exception. There are issues on which you feel strongly but you had no idea what your partner’s feelings are regarding these issues.

Today, you will discover that your partner’s views differ radically from your own. It will now be a struggle for you about whether to keep quiet or whether to make a big issue out of it.

Prudence and good sense might tell you to keep your own counsel now, but this is something about which you have strong feelings. You will find it difficult to keep peace with your partner. But you need to realize that you are creating a storm in a teacup.

Though you may have a confrontational feeling, not every dilemma can be resolved by a showdown. You need to persuade your partner with gentle reasoning. Losing your temper and sticking stubbornly to your stand right now will not be of help to anybody.

The issue or issues about which you are feeling so strongly are not very meaningful or pertinent to your partner. It is your insistence that what you think and decide is the correct path that is likely to set his / her back up.

If you are not that much persistent, the issue would fizzle out by itself. So, you need to keep calm and maintain an attitude of detachment in order to avoid an impending crisis.

Lucky color: Blue, aquamarine, green
Lucky number: 21, 65, 98