Sagittarius Love Horoscope for Wednesday, December 01, 2021

Daily tarot reading

You will miss out on important opportunities because you won’t be thinking clearly enough to recognise their value and take advantage of them. You will be distrustful and suspicious of others. You will feel like withdrawing into yourself, and your thoughts will be filled with negativity and pessimism. Your insecurities and lack of self-confidence will stand in the way of your personal growth. You may encounter unexpected setbacks and adversities, but this doesn’t mean that you should lose hope. Try to change things for the better and don’t let your stubbornness get in the way.

Love Tarot Card

The Star card reversed was drawn from the love tarot deck today. The positive messages of the upright Star seem blocked or delayed when the card is upside-down. Life offers you an opportunity for renewal, yet something holds you back. Fear or resentment based on past experiences prevents you from moving forward. Although you see light at the end of the tunnel, your heart feels closed to hope. The reversed Star sometimes means one person seeking to renew a relationship while the other person wants to leave. You feel disoriented by recent painful experiences, uncertain of what to do next. The process of healing happens very slowly. If you are single, you may begin dating someone who is in a recovery program. The two of you both carry scars and feel hesitant about romance. You might decide friendship feels safer than passion right now.

Daily career tarot

You are going through a crisis in your professional and financial life. You feel worn out by your responsibilities and problems, and have withdrawn into yourself in order to regain your inner strength. It is very likely that someone who is jealous of you will try to deceive you in order to get you into trouble. This is not the right time to make career-related or financial decisions.

Sagittarius Love Horoscope

There seems to be a shroud of secrecy. Where it originates is not known. It may be something you are withholding from your partner or it may be the other way round. It may be something your peers are keeping from you which may affect your relationship.

Whatever it is, if it is something between you and your partner, confide in each other. Your love and trust is all your relationship is built on. Therefore, keeping secrets from each other may have an adverse impact on your relationship.

The day is good for confiding secrets. Your partner wishes to tell you something. But your reserved nature is throwing him/her off as he/she is worried as to how you will react. Basically, it is all about the nature of trust you two share.

Take your partner in your confidence and assure him/her that you are always with him/her no matter what and the past does not matter. The same goes for you.

In case you require telling your partner something, go ahead and say it. Although the situation calls for tact and delicacy, confiding in your partner will not only boost your trust in each other but make things lighter between you two.

In a nutshell, the day holds the promise of sharing secrets with a minute chance of confrontation which will be a passing whiff. It will be a good idea to cancel all other commitments for the day and spend the time in each other’s company.

Lucky colors – fluorescent orange, gray
Lucky numbers – 6, 18, 24, 30, 44