Aquarius Love Horoscope for Wednesday, December 01, 2021

Daily tarot reading

You will try to put your life in order. Your willingness to set a schedule and stick to it, combined with your determination, vigour, patience and persistence, will help you accomplish your goals, no matter how difficult they may be to achieve. However, seeing that nothing comes for free, you will occasionally have to struggle for your dreams. You will be driven by passion and enthusiasm. Success will not come easy, but there are people in your life who will readily support you in your endeavours. You will sometimes try to impose your opinions on others and will prove particularly effective in your efforts to influence them in your favour. Take advantage of the promising period lying ahead of you by putting your plans into action.

Love Tarot Card

The reversed Tower card was pulled from the love tarot deck today. An upside-down Tower instructs you not to rely on escapism and denial. You may unconsciously perceive that your there is trouble lurking beneath the surface of your relationship. Yet you fear facing the facts. The reversed Tower card warns you that this situation cannot last for long. The lightning strike will cause more damage if you try to hide from or delay it. Sometimes this card appears up after a dramatic Tower experience. This indicates that you are still feeling the effects of the shake-up. Give yourself time to heal from the pain. Permit yourself time to mourn. However, remember the importance of integrating the lessons the lightning strike delivered. You have an opportunity now to transform your life. You can create something much stronger than what formerly existed.

Daily career tarot

The radical changes currently taking place in your professional and financial life are stressing you out. You are doing everything in your power to restore stability in your career and finances. You are trying to come to terms with an unpleasant situation that has recently arisen in your work environment and to find ways to escape the problems you are faced with and the dead end you have reached. You are making sacrifices and neglecting your personal life in order to put your financial affairs back in order.

Aquarius Love Horoscope

It is a day of memories. You want to go back in the past and relive all the good memories. At the same time, you would like to fix the mistakes you have made. But today tells you to learn from the past and move ahead.

In love, we all make mistakes. But these mistakes are the same ones which make us interact and know our partner better. Therefore, use the past to cherish your present and make your relationship much stronger than it was.

Your partner is in a different state of mind. He/she is planning big decisions with you and will want to discuss them with you. Be prepared for surprises that come your way. It might be a good idea to spoil yourself for your partner, groom yourself and be prepared.

This will floor your partner! While you are on this, take some token of appreciation or gift for your partner to show them how much you care for them and love them. Flowers will add more flavor to the occasion.

Today will be a good day to involve family into your decisions. Everything seems to be in your favor and all will turn out for the best! There might be minor hiccups today.

But do not dwell on them as they are accidental and do not have any impact on your love life whatsoever. Instead, as the day calls for it, rely on the sweet memories to make the day special.

Lucky colors – orange, Lawn green
Lucky numbers – 6, 13, 19, 29, 45