Sagittarius Love Horoscope for Saturday, January 01, 2022

Daily tarot reading

You are about to enter a period of introspection in your life; you will feel the need to reconsider past decisions, organise your thoughts and prioritise your desires. You may decide to temporarily withdraw from your social circles in order to achieve personal balance. You will regain your inner strength, put certain matters into perspective and become wiser. Your intuition will reach its peak and help you in your decisions. Trust your instinct and pay great attention to your dreams, as they will be very significant. The High Priestess’ message to you is that all the answers you are seeking are within you; all you have to do is find them.

Love Tarot Card

Today’s love tarot card is the reversed Temperance card. When this card arrives upside-down, it warns of failure to apply the qualities of Temperance. You and your lover waste time blaming each other rather than finding solutions. You have too strong an attachment to the status quo. The upside-down Temperance card suggests that there is still time to heal or salvage a situation. The relationship must grow or die. Change requires a flexible, open-minded attitude. Accept that old patterns no longer serve the relationship. Try something new. Act quickly, because when the card shows up in its reversed position, time may be running out. The situation is in danger of turning stagnant or toxic. FbeFor single people, this card suggests weariness with the dating process. Consider whether you repeat the same self-defeating patterns in looking for love. Try dating someone different from your usual type.

Daily career tarot

You are starting to look at a professional and financial matter that has been troubling you more clearly. You have learned to keep your feet on the ground and your head on your shoulders. You went through a period during which your fantasies and sentimentality wouldn’t let you accept reality. Now you are capable of conducting your business and financial affairs with reason and of building a more solid foundation for the future. However, your fears are still holding you back from wholeheartedly pursuing your ambitions. Your intuition will help you make the right decisions, so make sure you listen carefully to your inner voice.

Sagittarius Love Horoscope

It is a day filled with fun, laughter, hugs and lots of love today. It is a good time to tell your partner everything you have been longing to tell. Tell about the way he/she make you feel, how special you think their laugh is, and get into the mood for a very sappy romantic movie marathon.

Instead of dressing up and going out, why not stay in and cuddle up together? After all, that way both of you would feel connected again. Avoid watching movies which might make you two stray near the waters into dangerous territories.

You can expect only happiness from your partner’s side. He/she will be extra caring and attentive towards you today. Avoid wondering whether that is because of something bad. Your partner simply has the time today to really take care of you, and that is what he/she is going to do today.

Do not be surprised if he/she gave you surprise hugs from behind you. Both of you will be in the mood to try out something new today. So if there’s something you have been dying to try, today is the best day to go after that. Your partner will readily agree to it.

Ghosts of your past might come calling today. Do not worry about that, because it will make you realize how much you love your partner. Your partner will surprise you today.

Lucky Colors: Beige, White, Grey, Maroon and Silver
Lucky Numbers: 8, 18, 23 and 50