Capricorn Love Horoscope for Saturday, January 01, 2022

Daily tarot reading

You are entering a period of welcome changes in your life. You will find yourself at a crossroads and will have to choose which way to go. Thanks to your ability to apply sound judgement, you will make the right choice, and your life will be radically transformed! Armed with a renewed sense of self-confidence and guided by your judiciousness, you will get certain personal matters in perspective, put the past behind you and make a new start!

Love Tarot Card

Today’s love tarot card is The World. When you see this card in a reading, anticipate some type of expansion in your love life. You now graduate to a new level. You and your lover become engaged. Sometimes travel plays a role when the World card appears. You might move to a new country to marry your long-distance lover. Or the two of you re-locate together because of a fabulous job offer. Single people who have gone through a romantic dry spell begin a new romance now. While the World card brings exciting changes, it does not guarantee a “happily ever after” ending. The World card suggests realistic rather than fairy tale happiness. Your good fortune brings a new set of challenges. There is a chance you will succeed—but an equal chance you will fall flat on your face. You must engage all your skills, intelligence and sensitivity in order to flourish in your new role as spouse, parent, lover, ex-patriate, etc.

Daily career tarot

The knowledge, experience and expertise you have acquired will allow you to become self-reliant and excel in your professional life. Your finances have been through considerable ups-and-downs, but are now beginning to stabilise. You may be indecisive with respect to certain professional and financial matters, but there is someone in your life who is offering you their support and guidance. Now you are capable of conducting your business and financial affairs with greater maturity and without making careless mistakes.

Capricorn Love Horoscope

It is time to take some tough decisions in every sphere of your life and your romantic life is no exception. There are issues on which you feel strongly but you had no idea what your partner’s feelings are regarding these issues.

Today, you will discover that your partner’s views differ radically from your own. It will now be a struggle for you about whether to keep quiet or whether to make a big issue out of it.

Prudence and good sense might tell you to keep your own counsel now, but this is something about which you have strong feelings. You will find it difficult to keep peace with your partner. But you need to realize that you are creating a storm in a teacup.

Though you may have a confrontational feeling, not every dilemma can be resolved by a showdown. You need to persuade your partner with gentle reasoning. Losing your temper and sticking stubbornly to your stand right now will not be of help to anybody.

The issue or issues about which you are feeling so strongly are not very meaningful or pertinent to your partner. It is your insistence that what you think and decide is the correct path that is likely to set his / her back up.

If you are not that much persistent, the issue would fizzle out by itself. So, you need to keep calm and maintain an attitude of detachment in order to avoid an impending crisis.

Lucky color: Blue, aquamarine, green
Lucky number: 21, 65, 98