Taurus Love Horoscope for Wednesday, December 08, 2021

Daily tarot reading

You want to make certain changes in your life, but you haven’t thought things through. Most of your plans are unfeasible because they are not based on reason. You will get carried away by your emotions and indulge in unattainable fantasies. The immature and mindless way in which you will handle certain matters will impede your progress. The Lovers card reversed would advise you to organise your thoughts, prioritise your desires and make sure you have carefully considered the pros and cons of every available course of action before making any decisions. Let reason hold the reins!

Love Tarot Card

Today the love tarot deck deals out the Wheel of Fortune card. The Wheel of Fortune’s appearance portends some kind of turning point. You may experience a rite of passage. Perhaps you or your partner finally reach a sought-after goal. The Wheel of Fortune usually brings good news, but only after a long period of difficulty. You or your partner might receive a scholarship or a job offer. Or you and your spouse enter a new phase of your relationship. The two of you re-discover a sense of connection after a period of detachment. The turn of the Wheel can also point to a more subtle, inward event. After a post-divorce period of depression, you feel ready to look for love again. Occasionally, the appearance of this card coincides with a stroke of amazing luck. You might go on what you consider a hopeless blind date, only to meet the love of your life

Daily career tarot

The problems and setbacks you have encountered in your professional and financial life have disappointed and discouraged you. You feel like all hope is gone and your mind is filled with pessimistic thoughts, but the truth is that the only thing currently missing from your life is faith in yourself and your abilities. It all depends on you and how you will choose to handle things. Don’t give up; this is a crucial point in your life and, if you show more patience and perseverance, the tide will soon turn in your favour. The Strength card reversed is encouraging you to focus more on yourself and to work on your self-esteem. Things will soon change for the better…

Taurus Love Horoscope

Today the stars are telling you to look into the past and gain lessons from it. Whatever is happening today has happened in the past and you need to remember what you did then to solve it now.

Although it is not a big deal and there is nothing that cannot solve it like a few words of love and stressing to your partner how much you love him/her. You and your partner have been together for a long time and minor tiffs are not very worrisome.

Your partner is very supportive of you. He/ she understand what you need without you expressing every time. Even now, he/she is sure everything is ok. It is his/her playfulness and a little bit of ego which is stopping him/her from taking the first step to reconciliation.

Therefore, you need to humor him/her and initiate the process. Take it in your stride and hold this against him/her. After all, not everyone is alike. These little things are what makes you different and brings the essence of fun in your relationship together.

In case of minor disagreements, do not let it escalate. In fact, you two have very interesting personalities which makes it very difficult for you to quarrel.

You two understand each other perfectly and are always trying to make life interesting for each other. Today calls for bonding and not big decisions. So shelve the biggies for the right moment.

Lucky colors – Peacock blue and vermillion red
Lucky number – 12, 21, 23, 32, 46, 57