Scorpio Love Horoscope for Saturday, September 24, 2022

Daily tarot reading

The time has come for you to enjoy the fruit of your labour. After a demanding and wearisome period in your life, you’re finally about to earn what you have been aspiring to: recognition! The issues you have been preoccupied with are gradually being resolved and you are very close to attaining the balance and stability you have been seeking! A weight is being lifted off your shoulders, and you are starting to look at life with greater optimism and hope. The Justice card indicates that you will adopt an honest and direct attitude that will be beneficial to all aspects of your everyday life.

Love Tarot Card

Today the High Priestess appears in a reversed position. Her upside-down stance reminds you to keep your own counsel. Don’t confide your romantic secrets in others. The people surrounding you may have hidden agendas. They may gossip about you or try to instill doubts about your romance. Reconnect with your intuition to dispel your insecurities. Avoid burying your head in the sand. Acknowledge your relationship problems. Talk with your partner about your concerns, balancing honesty with sensitivity.

Avoid making assumptions about your partner’s feelings. For single people, this card suggests a need to emerge from solitude. Recharge your social batteries rather than sitting at home on the couch. Your soulmate is unlikely to find you there. This card also reminds you not to pursue someone who fails to return your interest. Choosing aloof or emotionally unavailable lovers will only bring you pain.

Daily career tarot

You are keeping your expenses in check and weighing the pros and cons of every situation in order to remain in control of your life. You have adopted a modest attitude and have focused your attention on your career in order to progress. Your fears and insecurities are preventing you from indulging your impulses and repeating past mistakes.

Your self-restraint will eventually prove very beneficial for you. Your sacrifices and efforts will be rewarded – both materially and morally. Stay focused on your goals; if you show temperance and take nothing for granted, it will all pay off in the end.

Scorpio Love Horoscope

You and your partner are being counseled by apparent well wishers to follow certain fads of a relationship. Although you and your partner believe in the little joys of being together, people make you feel like a relationship is incomplete without certain privileges and rituals. Due to this, you two have been facing certain uncertainties and the stars have rushed in to tell you everything is good the way you see it.

You and your partner are responsible individuals who see love as a journey undertaken together in life. You prefer the love to be expressed through understanding and support. You do not believe that love can be measured by the number of gifts exchanged or dates. You two certainly wish to continue this way but people are forcing you to see otherwise.

Today is a good day to address this situation. It is a good idea to hold a firm yet tactical stand against such people and let them know your intentions of love towards each other. To make an impression, you may spend the day at home together in your nightclothes and with a homemade meal and a soft classic movie.

Your relationship because of its strong foundation has an extremely comfortable aura. This will make people see your point and leave you alone in future. Try to stay away from gossip today as it may not bode well for you. Instead spend the day in comfortable interaction with each other.

Lucky colors – leaf green, graphite grey
Lucky numbers – 3, 14, 22, 29, 31