Pisces Weekly Horoscope Oct 2, 2023 – Oct 8, 2023.

You might have a hard time having some fall fun when Mercury in Virgo opposes Neptune in your sign on Monday, especially when everyone is arguing. Not being able to decide what you want or having to compromise on your vision can leave you fuming. Find your voice again, Pisces.

By Wednesday, you’ll become a human lie detector when Mercury enters Libra and your transformation zone. It’ll be easy for you to uncover the hidden meanings of words and people’s motives over the next couple of weeks. Let your intuition be your guide.

After spending months working on yourself and developing good habits, you’re finally ready to fall in love when Venus enters Virgo on Sunday, moving into your partnership zone. Spend the rest of autumn living your best rom-com life with someone you care about. If you’re single, you won’t be for long.

  Pisces DAILY LOVE HOROSCOPE  OCT 2, 2023. 

A long-awaited vacation or move you’ve been hoping to make could finally be possible today. Before you go, there may be some paperwork to take care of. Thoughts of business advancement may play in your mind, and you might consider taking a course or two to increase your marketability and help you get closer to achieving your goals.

The day’s energy may create the kind of mood in which you find yourself hypnotized. You may feel like throwing caution to the wind, and just letting go for once, allowing the mood of the moment to carry you forward into the loving arms of your newly chosen sweetheart. But perhaps it’s a good idea to keep a little piece of yourself back – just in case!

Engage other people in witty, light-hearted conversation, whether you are at your workplace or not. Your mind is swarming with ideas and witty remarks, so share them with others and you will be the hit of the crowd – regardless of where you are.

When you eat something that does not agree with you, you are bound to know it, as you have a sensitive stomach and digestive tract. Licorice tea is a wonderful remedy aiding in digestion, and it brings a soothing feeling to your upset stomach. Remember to stay healthy by drinking plenty of water. The digestive tract is one of the most important systems in our body. Also – doing yoga at least once a week will help massage your inner organs.