Aquarius Love Horoscope for Saturday, September 24, 2022

Daily tarot reading

You are about to experience changes in your life that will fill you with energy and enthusiasm. New roads are opening up before you, and they are full of great experiences and opportunities. You will make some crucial decisions about your life and will not hesitate to take risks and to stir the stagnant waters of your everyday routine.

You will be spontaneous in your behaviour, but you will also have a tendency to carelessness and impulsiveness, so you will have to be careful not to make mistakes you will later regret. Enjoy this period of your life while making sure you behave in a prudent, rational manner.

Love Tarot Card

The Wheel of Fortune comes out of the deck upside-down today. When the card of luck and achievement arrives in its reversed position, your plans for happiness fail or are put on hold. Your intended bride or groom breaks off the engagement. Or you have to postpone the wedding due to health or money problems. Pay close attention to timing when the Wheel is reversed. Seemingly unimportant schedule changes point to deeper issues.

Your lover arrives late for your dinner date, offering a reasonable excuse. Within the next several days, he or she becomes mysteriously distant and elusive. The reversed Wheel frequently highlights denial or delayed acceptance of some uncomfortable truth. Someone may be holding on to the past or taking refuge in immaturity. You realize you have outgrown a relationship you once thought would last forever.

Daily career tarot

The changes that are taking place in your professional and financial life are filling you with energy and enthusiasm. You want to make a new start and to take advantage of the opportunities you have been given to progress, but you have to keep in mind that this is not the right time to take risks.

Your professional and financial life is fraught with instability, and you are walking a tightrope. Keep a tight rein on your impulse to take risks in order to avoid future trouble. Try to manage your business and financial affairs with caution and prudence so as to avoid making mistakes you will later regret.

Aquarius Love Horoscope

There is a lot happening at the same time and you are having trouble addressing all of him/her together and at the same time. Due to this and in an effort to not cause your trouble to your partner, you have been acting distant and not confiding him/her. Although you mean well, your partner knows you well and the emotional distance is causing him/her a great deal of worry. Therefore, it will be a good idea to come clean in front of your partner.

Today has a special memory for you and your partner from the past. You two have always celebrated this moment together. Therefore, today your partner wants to make special and personal plans for the two of you but is not convinced due to your behavior. Although he/she is worried and have asked you, you deny it.

This does not convince your partner at all. He/she is getting the wrong idea and it will be better for you to make things clear before it messes up. You and your partner love each other and keep no secrets from each other. Therefore, your secretive nature all of a sudden is not favorable for your partner.

Today is a good day for bonding. Therefore, take your partner out to his/her favorite restaurant, dress up for the occasion and make it an intimate affair. Reassure your partner how much you love him/her and confide everything in him/her. All is well. It just needs a little bit o’ love.

Lucky colors – indigo blue, matt green
Lucky numbers – 6, 14, 19, 25, 31